All classes, whether in person or online, are appropriate for all levels & abilities.
They are a blend of different types of yoga, with an emphasis
on ease of movement and lightheartedness.
Classes are $10 per session. All are welcome regardless of need; donate what you can.
You can VENMO me @Laurie-VanCott or send a check to 915 Sherman Ave., Hood River, OR 97031
Thank you for your support!

My classes focus on health & well-being through breathing, movement, finding a sense of freedom and ease, and calming the nervous system.
Using my background in both yoga and physical therapy, I teach a wide variety of yoga forms with modifications to allow everyone - no matter their health, experience, or fitness level - to create their own practice suited to their needs.
5:30 - 6:45 pm
501 Portway, Suite 310 (3rd floor)
Hood River, OR 97031
View map
Tel: 541-490-7420
Email: gorgeyoga@gmail.com